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Retriever Ready Dashboard
This tool provides information needed to assess our ability to provide a safe environment to faculty, staff, and students as part of our Fall 2020 reopening of campus. It contains information on an individual’s completion of training, the frequency of individuals’ symptom reporting, and individuals (faculty, staff, and students) approved to be present on campus. The tool allows filtering by division and department (academic and administrative). This is not a public-facing tool and access is very limited.
UMBC COVID-19 Public Dashboard
This tool provides parents, students, our campus community, and the public data about the impact of the steps that we have taken to provide a safe environment to faculty, staff, students, and the surrounding community as part of our Fall 2020 reopening of campus.

Faculty by Organization
This report provides faculty counts by college and department and can be filtered by faculty rank (e.g., tenure, tenure track; full time, part time). View Report