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First and Second Year Student Retention Predictions (FTFT matriculants only)
The retention model is a First-time Full-time Freshmen retention model looking at the end of the student’s first Fall term with retention into their second Fall term and a second set of predictions for retention into the third Fall term.
Predictions are currently available for the latest Freshmen cohorts.

Strategic Enrollment Plan Dashboard
This tool provides information to assess ourselves relative to the goals, yearly benchmark values, and key performance indicators contained in UMBC’s Strategic Enrollment Plan (both levels and recent trends). Users can filter by college and can see daily updates of enrollment compared to the same date during the previous year.

Enrollment Dashboard
Shows admissions, confirmation, and registration trends for the current Fall Freshman class compared to the same dates for the previous two years. Can filter by college.
Advising Dashboard
Shows Advising clearance and registration trends for the current Fall term compared to the same date last year.

Graduate Enrollment Dashboard
Shows admissions, confirmation, and registration trends for the Fall 2021 Graduate Student class compared to the same dates for the previous year. Can filter by program.

Enhanced Admitted Students by Plan (With Matriculation Predictions)
This existing report has been expanded to include results from a highly-precise predictive model that shows the probability that an admitted freshman student will enroll. Can filter by college or department. (Updated weekly)